Monday, March 2, 2009

Single Psychic Slanket

I really need one of these. It's called a Slanket, and it is basically a blanket with sleeves. Totally useful. How many times have you been all snuggled up on the couch, but then you need to reach for the remote/book/potato chip and you don't want to expose your arms/fingers to the frigid element that is your living room? Here is a picture.Here is another picture. I think you will agree that a brown Slanket can also double as a monk costume.

On the way home today I was listening to this female DJ that I really hate named Kim Iverson. She has a very annoying personality, but her stupid show is the only thing on the radio at seven at night. Anyway, today was Metaphysical Monday, where she brings in this crackpot psychic to tell people their fates. This one woman calls in and asks (in a strong southern accent) what is going to happen to her in the next three years. Broad question, I know. The psychic tells her that she sees education in the woman's future. Going back to college, or a class, or something. In reality, the psychic is probably recommending this because the woman on the other end of the line sounds like a hill billy. Then the psychic says that a certain book will be making a big impact on the woman's life. It is a nice, leather bound book with gilt edging on the pages. It is not a journal, but something already printed. She says to look for that book, and it will guide her future. I'm thinking, there is one book I know that looks like that. Dark leather? Gilt edges? Important? Will guide your life? Um...try the Bible. So next time Southern Belle walks into a Border's she'll see said book and her future will go from there. Done. I could be a psychic. Call in and ask me your questions.

I found this article on-line yesterday and I think it is hilarious. Here is a taste: "Time spent single is a lot like time spent in the bathroom. It's the most natural thing in the world, until you're there just a moment too long. But once you hit that point, there's no turning back. People start to wonder what's wrong with you. Gross images start popping into their heads. The next time they see you, you might smell a little funny to them. But hey, look on the bright side, at least nothing's actually wrong with you, right?" To read the whole hilarious thing, complete with pictures, go here.

One of my books came in the mail on Saturday! It's Hungry Planet by Peter Menzel. Could read it for hours, mostly because of all the pictures. Come over for tea some time and I'll let you look at it.

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