Monday, May 19, 2008

True Life Stories

Beautifully Broken
How being shattered isn't always a bad thing.

My First Successful Business 
How I made a lot of pretend money with my sister as a child.

Pee in This Cup
How I was traumatized by drug testing.

Delusions of an Eight Year Old 
How my sister made me believe things that were not true.

A True High School Story 
How the hottest boy in biology class didn't really like me that much.

Late Night Shopping Trip
How shopping at Winco sucks.

She Had a Premonition
How my great-aunt and middle-name namesake knew of her untimely death.

Love is an Allusion: why we broke up
How I used to have a fake boyfriend but then we mutually ended it.

Popped Cherry
How I don't get paid enough to answer the sort of questions kids ask me.

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