Monday, March 9, 2009

I'm Black and Blue....for yooouuuu (not)

I more or less lost my middle finger today at work. It is all very disturbing. I dropped my urchins off at recess, went into the staff room to microwave my lunch, and felt that the first joint in my middle finger was really itchy. Two minutes later I sat down at the table and looked at my finger again. It had turned blue. I showed this shaded phenomenon to the other teachers, who were equally as concerned. They told me to take my ring off and asked what it was made of. I replied that I wore this ring all the time, it wasn't some weird reaction. Nevertheless, I switched the ring onto a different finger, and it was a good thing too. I kid you not, three minutes later my middle finger started to loose feeling. I looked at it and it had swelled up like a sausage. I completely had a bratwurst as a middle finger. This really freaked me out, and Gia told me to go get some ice. I went to the office, got an ice pack, and told Yolanda what had happened. Her guess was that I got bit by a spider and was having a reaction, considering the initial itching. I carried ice around on my finger while teaching for an hour, and the swelling has gone down, but my finger is really purple/blue. Plus, I have been feeling itchy all day long since thinking about having a spider crawling on me unknowingly. I need to wake up about five minutes earlier tomorrow, because I predict my finger will fall off tonight while I am sleeping and I will need that extra time to search for the detached phalange in the morning.

Unrelated, but sort of related: my naughtiest child went home early today due to a facial rash. Natalie, I know we talked about this. I had nothing to do with it.

Completely unrelated confession, but sort of related because I just ate dinner. This is a tiny bit embarrassing, but I will admit to you that I like to eat maple sugar baked beans. I grew up with them at family potlucks, however, often times carnivorous relatives mix slices of hot dogs in with them, making it inedible. My other preferred bean is the black bean, and I eat it a lot with corn and tortillas. Additionally, my most favorite bean is the human bean. I think they're cute.

I have a really big rant to get into, but I won't go there today. Possibly tomorrow, unless something more interesting happens, like I lose an entire arm due to an invisible hobo spider bite.

FYI There is a beached whale near Florence at Heceta Head. It perished over the weekend, and the beach has been closed until the carcass can be buried. Apparently officials decided not to blow it up, like last time.

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