Tuesday, January 20, 2009

On this day in history...I got robbed

You know how after you put in your seventy-five cents, you stare eagerly through the glass of the vending machine and just wait patiently for your snack to drop down? And how it seems so slow? And how when I was standing there, and the little metal curly thing was unwinding, I just knew that it would stop short? And how my fruit snacks dangled there, tottering on the edge, but somehow wouldn't let go? And you know how when this happens you try to shake the vending machine, but it is often times a lot heavier than you? And how you look around to see if anyone is watching you before you give it a good kick? And how your stupid snack still won't fall down, no matter what you do, so you have to walk away dejected and still hungry? Yeah, well that sucks. And it happened to me. I rarely buy anything from the vending machine at school, because I figure I can hold out until I get home. So obviously I was hungry if I was going to resort to getting something from the stupid machine. It totally sucked staying at school three hours past when the kids left, and my innards were totally eating me up. You know it's pathetic when you start looking in kids' grimy desks for things to eat. Not that I did.

BTW, I am working on a secret project that I will reveal to you in time. Don't get too excited, but I am way excited. However, I am most often more excited about things that I do than are the people who watch me do them. I stayed up till midnight last night (on a school night!) trying to get part of the thing to work. I finally figured it out, but there is still a lot of setting up and brainstorming to do in order to make it interesting.

Oh, and FYI, today was inauguration day or something. I need to go watch stuff on CNN because we only had forty minutes to watch the TV today in the classroom. But at least the kids saw the important stuff.

P.S. I think my cracked out neighbors are doing gymnastics again. Lots of thumping and jumping. Makes you wonder how a pregnant woman who smokes could have the lung capacity to do so much aerobic activity.

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