Thursday, April 17, 2008


So I don't know if you have ever seen this on MySpace, but I've seen these ads quite a few times. You know, the "Look who's online now?" date ads? There's this image of a guy, and he moves all around and stuff because it's like you're watching him on a webcam. He sits down at the computer, gives a smile, types, giggles, types, leans in closer, takes off his sweatshirt, types somemore. He's giving me the creeps. I feel like he's watching me. And then the ad just starts repeating. Usually when these ads come on I X them out right away because I feel like the person in the ad is stalking me or something. Any similar experiences?

1 comment:

  1. i didn't know you could x them out!! i was afraid if i clicked anywhere near there, i'd somehow be clicking on a link! lame!

    the other ads that give me the creeps are the "married but looking" ads that are always on the myspace homepage. seriously who DOES that?


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