Mrs. Doe is obsessed with cats. She has cat stuff everywhere. These are all of the places I have seen cat stuff, but more seems to pop up everyday. She has:
1) Cat stickers on her gradebook binder
2) Cat pictures/posters taped to the front paneling of her desk.
3) Old calendar pages of cats that are laminated and hung up behind her computer
4) A cat magnet
5) A porcelain cat that I found in the depths of her desk drawer
6) A sheet of cat stickers
7) Cat postcards hung up in the four inch space between the windows
8) A mini cat flip-book of cat breeds, and
9) On Friday I finally gained access to her computer. She has a cat cartoon background.Of course. Later, it changed to a cat cartoon screensaver.
10) I wouldn’t be surprised if her husband has whiskers.
That freaks me out