Monday, April 21, 2008

Extra Crispy

So today I thought I smelled the distinct odor of chlorine. Chlorine makes me feel like throwing up and blurs my vision, but this time the scent of it reminded me of swimming lessons in this giant “bubble” pool that I went to as a kid. The roof and sides to the pool were kept up by air or something, and from the outside it just looked like an enormous piece of bubble wrap.

Thinking of swimming made me thing about a dreadful day I went boating with my family. We were out swimming and tubing and water skiing and all that, when I decided I was tired and wanted to take a nap in the boat’s cabin. I was seven. I slept on my stomach, which was a mistake, because my swim suit was a bit small and crept up into the nether regions. I slept there in the cabin for probably two hours, the sun shining in because the door wasn’t shut. Big mistake. When I awoke, my tushie was on fire. My buttocks were the one place my mother failed to slather on sunscreen. I began to cry, and my mother was forced to apply aloe vera gel to my rosy bum. I never wore that swimsuit again. The main point of the story is, don’t lie out in the sun unless you want toasted buns.

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