Saturday, December 11, 2010

My Christmas List

In case you have a lot of extra cash lying around and you really like me, here are the things that I wish I had but don't.

1) Amy Sedaris' new book, Simple Times
It's a book of crafts for poor people. If you don't know Amy Sedaris, you should get to know her. She's adorable and funny in a crack-pot sort of way. I have her first book, I Like You: hospitality under the influence, on my bookshelf. I haven't gotten my hands on Simple Times yet, but this is the table of contents:
1. Coconuts
2. Fake Candle Making
3. The Joy of Poverty
4. Handicraftable
5. Safety Meetin’
6. Crafting for the Dead, and Other Celebrations
7.  Confectioneries
8. Sick Room
9. Crafting for Jesus
10. Hay Burners
11. Making Love
12. Sausages
13. Teenager Crafts, or Teenagers Have a lot of Pain
14. Unreturnable Homemade Gift Giving
15. Knowing Your Knack for Knick-Knacks

2) This phone. Oh my goodness how I adore it. It's listed under Vintage phones on right now.

3) These mustaches. They're from Fred Flare. I could really use them in my disguise box, which I keep in my car at all times.

4) This library kit, also from Fred Flare. I really miss how librarians used to stamp the due date in the back of your book.

1 comment:

  1. i love that you have a disguise box in your car... you just became even cooler.


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