Monday, March 14, 2011

My Living Room

My living room is by far the most spacious room in my house. I sometimes like to throw raging parties in it (do you believe me?) When I first moved in with my friends Natalie and Brittany, we basically had no furniture. So this is what it looked like.
Then when we moved all the boxes in, Brittany constructed this really awesome fort out of them, draped with blankets across the top, of course. I wish I had a picture of it. I probably would have left the fort in the front room forever, had I not needed to access everything that those boxes contained.

After settling in, the room no longer echoed. Let me show you a few of my favorite things.
I adore this bookcase. I didn’t get it until I lived in my house a year, and the wait was totally worth it. It is actual real solid wood, not that fake laminate that most stores sell. Plus, I got it delivered for free. By free, I mean it was probably included in the expensive price. But it was a good advertising scheme. It's six feet tall.
This couch is hands down the most comfortable piece of furniture I own. People actually get smashed so that they have to stay the night on my couch and sober up. It’s super comfy for naps, and I prefer it to my bed. I bought it brand new, so it’s gotta last me until I’m 45 years old. No pukers, please. I am fairly certain that this couch can seat nine people comfortably. It’s a barge. I keep forgetting to test it when I have that many people at my house at once. Next to it is a matching love seat, which basically acts as a mini-sofa for my five foot frame.

Below is the typewriter that I inherited upon my grandmother's passing. I love it because it was hers, but it so utterly me. Of course I just adore having her typewriter. Next to it sits my BP issued oil spill globe, which I like very much.
I once saw a black chalkboard style globe and you could color in the continents with different hues of chalk. Wouldn't you just die to have such a thing? I would. Though I could probably make my own if I went to Goodwill and found an old globe and then went to the craft store to pick up some chalkboard paint. Alright, now I know what I'm crafting during spring break.

This is a shot of my office space. I want to paint the desk (I know, after I told you I was through with painting). Have any suggestions for it?
I sit on a yoga ball instead of in a chair.
I would just like to point out that I do not make it a habit to objectify men who surf and pose with their shirts off, but that is the hot man calender that my sister picked up for me in Hawaii. I know I've mentioned it before. The man for March is named Benjamin and he is wearing green shorts in honor of St. Patty's day.

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