Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Disreputable History

Today I just started reading The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart. So far so good. I've only gotten to page 30, because that's all I could read during my break at work. Unbeknownst to me, the book takes place at a prep school. I find this strange because this is the third book I have read in the past six months that takes place at a prep school. I don't pick these books up thinking "Oh, I wish I went to prep school, let's read all about it." Instead, it just looks interesting and then I read and find out the setting is at a prep school. Entirely coincidental. I'm kinda getting sick of the whole prep-school-secret-society-you-would-only-understand-if-you-went-here-my-parents-are-pushing-me-to-go-to-Harvard-crap. But whatever.

This is basically my first 4th of July that there is no family picnic, so I am sort of at a loss for what to do on that day. Anyone going to be around? Doing anything fun?

I need to go grocery shopping because I have recently started to eat cereal every morning for breakfast (this is quite a change from my typical granola bar in the car eating days). And the Lucky Charms is fresh out.
In other news, DeAnna chose Jason for the final two in The Bachelorette. I knew from the first episode that she would pick him. You'd be stupid not to. She hasn't chosen him yet for the finale, but I would be absolutely shocked if she didn't. He's way hotter than Jesse, and has a more stable career. He's pretty much adorable.
Our cable is supposed to be cancelled starting July 1st, but I checked the TV when I got home today and it still worked. So I watched some HGTV. Because tomorrow, it will probably be disconnected. And then I will sob.

1 comment:

  1. OMG you didn't tell me it was down to Jason and Jesse!!

    Wow, that is SO exciting!!!

    (p.s. we're kind of pathetic, you know that?)


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