Saturday, July 12, 2008

Plastic Babies

Right now I am reading I Was Told There'd Be Cake by Sloane Crosley. It is actually a book for adults this time, and it is quite hilarious and clever. I have to slow down to read it though, because the sentence structure is more complicated than those found in children's books, and new words that I don't know the meaning of pop up here and there. I recommend it though. It's a collection of short stories, but the book calls them "essays." Whatev. I like it.

I put up my kiddie pool on Wednesday and have been in it twice so far. I sometimes worry that the old people living in the retirement center across the fence will come out and stare at me. Kind of like how I peek through my blinds and spy on them when they are on the patio smoking.

I was at the county fair with my sister on Thursday and we were in a building where businesses have informational booths. You know, like the library and protecting watersheds, and how to keep your teenager off of meth. The good thing is that I picked up a lot of free magnents, pencils, stickers, and candy. Jess and I also had the chance to take a free plastic baby from the Right to Life foundation. They had some models of what a baby looks like at different stages displayed in a model uterus, which kind of grossed me out, but grossed my sister out more. I was all "see this is the uterine lining that sheds when you have your period," and she was all "that is sick I don't want to look at it." In the end, we did not take a plastic baby, because how weird would it be to have that in your purse? However, I contemplated taking one because I thought it would be funny to hide it in one of my roommates' bed. But then I thought that might be disrespectful to unborn infants and would give my roommate nightmares after she discovered a fetus with her toes while sleeping.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for your consideration.

    Lord knows my dreams are weird enough as it is! :)


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