Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My hamsters keep staring at me

When I went to my old house over the weekend, I was upset to discover that my house echos. I sat a metal tin down on the kitchen counter and the entire house echoed. So eerie. But then I found something friggin' sweet in my bedroom. That's right, fools. It's a My Littlest Pet Shop hamster cage with pets that don't poo or stink. It was my very first one, and the only one I kept after getting rid of the rest.
These little critters never have to go to the vet, and they never die. They can, like real hamsters, be eaten by a dog.

Over the weekend I also started reading Queen of the Oddballs. It's a memoire from Hillary Carlip, who recounts her times going to a cotillion with Jamie Lee Curtis, middle school with Michael Jackson (when he was black), befriending the rising star Carly Simon, and appearing on Kids Say the Darndest Things. She also got expelled from the third grade for smoking on the playground (she was pretending to be Holly Golightly).

Remember how I was going to give my closet a make-over? Well, if you do remember, forget about it, and if you don't remember, that's best. I did get rid of like, 50 pounds of clothing, but the closet still looks mostly the same. Sorry to disappoint you. What I decided was that I needed a bigger closet, not fewer clothes.

I am for sure going to do a new project, though. Today I picked up this wooden chest, which I am going to make into a prize chest for my fourth grade classroom. I am planning on painting it and Mod Podging it.

This is the paper that I picked out to Mod Podge with. I will probably paint the wood light blue or light green to coordinate with the paper.

Sometime this week I need to buy paint and Mod Podge and then I will probably do the project over the weekend, unless I get distracted.

1 comment:

  1. That's LPS hamsters? They look so cool, not like dumb giant-headed freaks like the rest.


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