Sunday, June 15, 2008

Telepathic Messages

I have decided to start sending telepathic messages to people. Telepathy is something I am not sure that I believe in, but I think the mind can do crazy things sometimes. Like, for example, you have this feeling in your gut that something is really wrong. You call your best friend the next day and find out she’s in trouble. Or like, you have a dream that something happens and it comes true that same week. Once my mother told me about an experience in high school where she and her friend tried telepathy. They set a specific time to send and receive the message, and the story had very interesting results. I’m not going to explain it here, but you can call my mom if you want to know.

So here’s the deal. I will choose a person each day to send a telepathic message to. These might be people I’m scared to talk to, or they might be a really good friend, or whatever. So you know, if you get an internal message, or if I pop up in your dream at night and tell you something, let me know. Maybe I sent you a message.

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