Thursday, June 5, 2008

I Am a Liar

Today I lied to a small child. Lied to her face. Our neighbor girl rang our doorbell and asked if Liz was home (only she didn't know Liz's name. Instead she referred to her as "the one with the black hair"). I lied and said she wasn't home, knowing that Liz wouldn't want to talk to her. The little girl was like "I think she is home." I asked her why she thought so, then assured her Liz wasn't, and could I take a message? You gotta give her credit, she's persistent. Must've been pissed that Liz is no longer on MySpace so she can't stalk her anymore. Finally I closed the door on her, went upstairs, and felt like a mean person. But really, she's annoying. You can have her.

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