Wednesday, February 9, 2011

ValeMANtine's Day Cards

I explain it all.


  1. I laughed out loud. Many times. Oh I love you!

  2. Fantastic. Love the video post. I better get with it huh? We worked on the kids Valentine's boxes for school, if they ever go back to school darn snow, and usually for Valentine's I am lazy and buy up a whole bunch every year after they go on sale. With four kids I have gotten kind of lazy in the making of Valentine's anything. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. I got my valentine in the mail! I lOVE getting mail and an adorable hand-made valentine is the best mail I have received in a looong time. You are the coolest. Oh, and I love the video.

  4. Kristi, I am glad it arrived in time. : )

    To everyone, I'm happy you don't think my video is moronic. Because I was sort of afraid it might be.

    Much love,


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