Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bits and Pieces

I have this lotion that I keep in my desk drawer at school. It's made by the brand Slice of Life, and the scent is icing on the cake, buttercream and vanilla. I love it because it smells exactly like frosting. My hands were really dry last week, so I slathered some on in the morning. About an hour later, I'm going around the room, helping kids with writing, when Julio says, "Mmmm, something smells like cupcakes." He had no idea it was me. But what makes this adorable is that Julio totally would be the one to notice a delicious scent. He's a little bit chubby in a very cute way and has glasses.

This is a second hand story, but I figured I'd share it even though I was not present. So our male PE teacher usually just goes by "Coach," and sometimes kids call him Mr. Coach, even though his name is Mr. Smith. He has just welcomed a little baby girl into his family, and the baby and mother came to see Mr. Smith at lunch one day. One of the 4th graders says, "I just saw Mrs. Coach's baby!" Mrs. Coach. Too cute. But it makes sense, right?

I have this girl student who is being tested for TAG, and I sort of feel like her brilliance and cleverness is reflected in her belongings, which is totally not a legitimate way to identify talented and gifted students. But she has this awesome pencil sharpener. It's shaped like a nose and you stick a pencil up one of the nostrils to sharpen it. I kind of want one. I even took a picture of it after school.
 I've mentioned Drew a lot in my teaching posts, because he's the one who says all of the funny things. He's appeared so often that I've given him his own tag. Anyway, Drew's favorite thing to do is to go out to recess on a sunny day and then stick his chest out and pretend to rip open his shirt. Then he throws his head back and says "I'm Edward!" You know, Edward Cullen, vampire who glitters in the sun light.

Last week Drew had to write a fictional story for the prompt "Imagine a drawing, painting, or sculpture comes to life. What happens?" Drew decided that he would draw some animals, and then they would come to life while he was sleeping. He'd wake up to them making noises on his bed. A dog, a bird, and a snake would all jump out of the paper, and then they'd go crazy all over his house. So Drew decided that in his story, his older brother would throw an eraser at the bird that was flying around pooping on things. This of course, would cause the bird to disappear. Then Drew decided that the snake would get hungry and slither to the kitchen, open up the fridge, and eat some moldy pizza. The dog would bark a lot and poop in the house. Drew and his brother would not want to get in trouble with their parents, so they would need to get rid of the animals. I asked him "so how does the story end?" His solution? "We wad up all these paper balls and we throw them at the snake and the dog and they get sucked back up into the page." Which you know, seemed like a pretty cool idea. Not to be stereotypical or anything, but kids who have autism typically have the best ideas.

P.S. Does anyone remember when I used to blog on MySpace? If you've been with me that far back, you deserve some sort of award.


  1. HAAA! I do, I do! Roommate adventures BEGAN on myspace, did they not? If they didn't start there, they at least ended up on there at some point. Ohhhh myspace.

    Remember when Liz deleted her account without telling anyone?

  2. I would like to buy a nose pencil sharpener. Please ask your girl student where she (more likely, her mother) bought it.

    It's brilliant.

    -Random cousin's girlfriend


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