Sunday, June 19, 2011

10 Reasons I Loved Saturday

10. Bare Faced Brunch. I hosted a celebration breakfast at my house and fed my friends and family fruit, yogurt, waffles, eggs, and juice. Some people wore jammies/sweat pants and came bare faced. My friend Sierra helped us look beautiful with her Mary Kay products, and stylist Shelby cut bangs. I wore my PJ pants all day long.
Here is Ciara, me, Sierra, and my sis Jessamy. You like how I look like a peacock because of where I was standing in relationship to that mirror on the wall?
9. Roo. I know I haven't told my blog readers about him yet (though Facebookers probably know). Basically, Roo is a great source of entertainment. You'll meet him tomorrow.
8. Forty-five minute phone call from my Gram. She cracks me up. I just adore her.
7. Cupcake baking. I was asked to make some treats for the dessert auction my church held to raise funds for vacation Bible school (VBS). I busted out these. It was way fun.
A colorful way to give your dad a new look on Father's Day.

6. Listening to Casey Hurt station on Pandora while baking. I used to go to the same church as him. He's not famous or anything, but you should just enter Casey Hurt into your Pandora player so you can listen to him and the people that sound similar to him. Relaxing and good. Nothing techno. Some harmonica. Guitar. Clean lyrics.
5. Cascading waterfall french braid hair. I convinced my sister to try this on my head. If only I could do it myself. I did it to Sierra's long locks before she left.

4. Time to sit and read.
3. Phone call with Natalie.
2. Naps and not feeling like I need to be working on something or grading something.
1. Being able to find so many things to be happy about.


  1. Not only do I love that I made this blog, but I also LOVE that hair style, and the fact that the three labels for this are "cupcakes, joy, mustaches." What more could you need?

  2. Those cupcakes are genius. If I'm ever feeling down I just come and read your blog and perk right up! Thanks for the smiles and great ideas!


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