Friday, May 27, 2011

Husband Talk (don't get freaked out)

I don't think I have the Disney princess view of love and marriage in my brain, but I do have some expectations. I was reading The Good Women Project the other day, and guest writer Annie wrote this concerning marriage: "It’s not about just you anymore. It’s waking up and realizing your dreams didn’t die, but now you have someone who can help you achieve them, and you’re responsible for helping them accomplish theirs too." 

I dig that. I don't want some guy to think that by marrying me, all his dreams are going to be crushed. I think a lot of guys believe that's what will happen. I would want my husband to trust me enough and know that I value his dreams enough to help make them happen. I don't have "dream crusher" stamped across my forehead. If you want to make a dream come true, by all means, let's get on it. I'll help you.

In return, I'd expect my husband to be supportive of my dreams and encourage me. I mean, if someone is rooting for you, and pushing you to get where you want to be, how could you not reach your goals? Life's not a one-man show. You need a support system. I mean, if I had someone keeping me accountable for drafting/revising my novels, I probably would have had one published three years ago. Or you know, at least have sent it off to a publishing house for consideration.

On a completely different note, if I ever acquire a better half and we happen to bear children, I totally want my husband to wear sunglasses, a leather jacket, and do this:

Oh. My. Heavens. How hot is a dad wearing a baby in a sling? Sizzling. I kind of want one.


  1. You know you're 25 when what gets you hot is a picture of a man wearing a baby strapped around his belly. Yikes.

    Someday our husbands will come. I know it.

  2. Jojo-
    the man that gets to marry you is very lucky!!

    On a second note: daddy sling= ADORABLE!!!!

  3. Love that quote and totally agree. It makes me think of a great post I read once (found here:

    "I do not want someone to complete me. I do not want to complete someone else. I don’t want to be a puzzle piece, a void-filler, an other half. I am a whole person. I want another whole person to complement the whole woman I am, to make me twice as loving, giving, and powerful as I am on my own, and I wanted for me to be that to him."

    And um, Cam is sizzling. How do I rent a hot daddy with a baby in a baby sling for a few hours? Wait, that's all sorts of wrong...

  4. I'm liking the photo you found. Maybe I can find one on Amazon. And a man to go with it of course.


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