Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Good Parts

I already told you, read When You Reach Me. I said I wanted to read it all over again so it would make even more sense. I've never re-read a book immediately in my life, usually I wait a few months. Sure, after I've finished I might go back and re-read all the good parts, but not cover to cover. I started re-reading When You Reach Me again. Seriously. Find a library card. 

" out the story you asked me to tell, about everything that happened this past fall and winter. It's all still there, like a movie I can watch when I want to. Which is never," (2).

"I was named after a criminal," (7).

"While she listened, Belle made me a turkey sandwich and gave me about ten chewable vitamin Cs because she though I sounded nasal," (8).

"Nice tights," I snorted. Or tried to snort, anyway. I'm not exactly sure how, though people in books are always doing it," (10).

And that part about the ring with diamonds all around it? How each diamond is like a moment, and they are all happening at once? It doesn't matter where or when you came from, because when you jump to a moment, you're there. There is no time in the moments, it's the jumping from place to place that is the time. I'm still thinking about all of this. Reminds me of The Time Traveler's Wife. All the moments are happening at once. It's the people that move. It doesn't matter when you leave. It's just whether or not you get there that matters.

Holey Swiss cheese, I love books.

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