Sunday, April 17, 2011

My rabbit laid an Easter egg on our field trip!

I sort of feel like I have fallen out of the blogosphere. I don't want to post just for the sake of posting, but I don't want you to feel like I've forgotten about you, either. I haven't.

Here are some super speedy updates that you might not care about but whatever:

1) I'm seriously considering getting a house rabbit. I've wanted one for about four years, and considering I could totally get one if I wanted since I have my own house now, I should. I might get one on May 21st, because that day there is a rabbit show in a nearby town. I'm cool, right? I was in 4-H when I was a kid, too. And I wore overalls from Land's End.

2) I want to thank the relatives in my life for all the fun Easter egg hunts they planned for me and my cousins. So this year I am planning an Easter egg hunt for the middle-aged. I know you know about this already if you ever glance at my Twitter or Facebook updates. But in case you shun that sort of thing, and you think you're too cool for reading people's lame updates, I'll tell you again. I am getting brightly colored eggs (because a lot of the middle-aged relatives need glasses), and I am filling them with a variety of vitamins instead of jelly beans. I might put other middle-age appropriate items in the eggs as well, such as raisins or coupons. It's important to the middle-aged that they get their fiber and save their pennies for retirement.

If you are middle-aged, I hope you are not offended. People love you even though you are getting older. In fact, I appreciate my middle-aged relatives now more than ever. They're still fun! Plus they tell me a lot more things now that I'm older.

3) My students and I are going on our first field trip of the year. We only go on two. We are a poor school, in case you were wondering. It's quite sad, yes I know. Our field trip is this Thursday. Pray for sunshine and no rain. It's a pioneer themed field trip, since right now we are studying the Oregon Trail. Should I wear my bonnet and petticoats?

4) I just adore you. Even if I don't know that you read this. I adore anyone who reads my writing. I love it more when my readers tell me that they read my blog. I won't ever think you are a stalker or a creeper for reading. Unless you start following me around in your car when I get off of work. Otherwise, I wouldn't blog if I didn't want people to read it! Duh. I have another blog that is super secret that I don't like people to read. It's called My Diary. You can not read it at

1 comment:

  1. I missed you, which might be weird seeing as I've never met you, but I was looking through my Google Reader and I was like "Where's Joelle?!"

    Also, I have loved all things Oregon Trail since childhood, and firmly believe that full petticoats and calico are essential to your field trip. Do you think that being in Oregon leads you to spend more time studying the Oregon Trail than non-Oregon states? If so, I may consider relocating...



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