Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Short Rant

Things you should not do to your co-workers:

1) Do not hit "reply all" when responding to an e-mail, unless everybody really does need to know what you think. Most of the time, we don't care.

2) Do not send many short e-mails and expect instant responses. When you do get a response, a "thank you" email is not needed. It's clouding up my inbox. If all you are going to say is thank you, I'd appreciate it more if you saved me 36 seconds and four clicks of my life.

3) Do not type very long e-mails and expect an instant response. The longer your e-mail is, the longer I will put off a response, because after four lines I have run out of time to read it. Condense your words. Give it to me straight. I don't need an introduction. Just tell me what you need.

4) Do not snag me during a time when I'm supposed to be doing something else (prep time, lunch, time, leaving, etc.) and ask me questions about something that is not individual. I cannot answer for the team. They are not here.

5) quit writing your e-mails in all caps BECAUSE IT IS RUDE, EVEN IF YOU DON'T MEAN IT TO BE. There's this button to your left. It's called "caps lock." Trying pushing it once.

As my cousin Chris would tell me, "Do you want some cheese to go with that whine?"

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