Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Where's Joelle been?

So January was a wash. The writing instinct has just not been in my body lately. I blame it on Pinterest. But rather than post boring things that no one wants to read, I wrote nothing. It's a good thing for you, but a bad thing for me. Because I could have at least drafted something. Worked on something. Been inspired about something.

I don't think anyone reads this anymore. I don't. So that's sad. I never set out to be a blogger with hundreds of readers. The reason I started The Real Pretend was to share funny stories, moments that have really impacted me, and all around goodness. I guess part of the reason I haven't been writing is because there are so many other important things out there that I am trying to do. I'll tell you about one of them:

I started a Saturday Kids Club at my church for the neighborhood kiddos. There are a lot of apartment complexes, mobile homes, and a school within walking distance of the church, and I figured we should take full advantage of our building and use it on Saturdays. I've only got 5 kids so far. But I'm working on it. We've only met one Saturday, so I'm trying to give myself grace.

I thought about doing a Saturday Club in October. Back when I was trying to find a job, I said to God "Okay Lord, if I don't have to work Saturdays, then I'll do it. I will start a Kid's Club." But then November rolled around, I scored two part-time jobs, and I never followed up on my word. I started feeling really convicted about it. Not necessarily guilty that I had told God I would do something and hadn't done it yet, but more like starting a Saturday Club was important. I had this feeling that it would lead to something else, and I was supposed to do this because it was a stepping stone. If I've learned anything in the last year and a half, it is obey God when you hear Him. Obey immediately.

So yeah, I don't get to be lazy and sleep in on Saturdays anymore. But I know what I'm doing is worthwhile, even if it is for just five kids. They matter.


  1. 1) I read it!
    2) I miss your stories
    3) I'm praying for you and kids club
    4) I think you're pretty amazing

  2. I read it! I love blogs--I'm naturally nosy. That's why I became a social worker! (I'm only partially kidding!)

    -Megan V.


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